Jungian Therapy

Jungian Therapy

Jungian Therapy

Jungian therapy diverged from Freudian therapy when Jung broke from Feud early last century. Jung emphasized the prospective meaning of symbols in dreams. Jungian therapy gives less weight to (but does not deny) repress sexuality. It considers obstacles to propsective striving to be as important as childhood conflicts.

Jungian therapy or analysis is face-to-face, includes dream analysis if the pacient choses to do so and tries to build a cohorent dialogue between consciousness and the unconscious. Dreams, fairytales, myths and religious symbolism helps us better understand to unconscious impulses and our present behaviour.

  • The presence of various symptoms life: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, sexual dysfunction, phobias, emotional distress (family, couple), insomnia etc

  • Psychopathological diagnosis

  • Personal analysis from the need to increse life quality

  • The first session is free of charge and we decide together if we continue to work

  • The lengh of one therapy session is 50 minutes

  • The sessions can be done online zoom platforme or face to face

  • We will discuss only about what you choose to bring

  • The first session is not a therapy session. It’s more a chance for me to meet you and make sure I can be helpful to you. More importantly, it’s a chance for you to meet me and make sure you are comfortable working with me

Respecting the confidentiality is one of the most important aspects of psychoterapy. What we discuss within the therapy sessions remains strictly between me and my pacients. Legally and ethically I am prohibited from sharing what you tell me or disclose your identity. There are three exceptions to confidentiality that rarely come up and apply to extreme situations where you are going to act on planning to hurt yourself or others, as well as situations involving child abuse or elder abuse. If you have questions about the limits of confidentiality, please feel free to address it during our initial meeting.